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I am going to be releasing an e-book entitled, “47 Financial Advisor Messages and Sequences that Will Not Make You Sound Stupid“. Please click here to join the mailing list and be notified.

I wrote this e-book for financial advisors who want to be perceived as high quality people on social media. This e-book contains 47 messages you can use on social media messenger to reach prospects, COIs, and other useful connections that would benefit your practice.

This e-book is not fancy or highly decorated. True to my nature this is a no BS, straight to the point piece of writing.

These messages serve to inspire your own thought about what to say to someone on social media. You can customize them to your tone and style.

The e-book is free for current clients and anyone who is currently subscribed to my membership. It is my best work and these ideas are not disclosed publicly to non clients and non members anywhere else in my other published content.

Please click the link below and join the mailing list to be notified when it is out!


Any questions? Send 'em in!


Sara Grillo - Messy Paint - Marketing Strategy
Financial Advisor Marketing

From Chaotic Picasso to Marketing Masterpiece

His works were beautiful collages, so powerful that they brought to life an entire genre, a new idea that hadn’t existed in the world as a real concept until he made it so. While Picasso didn’t attend marketing conferences with titles such as “Brand Ambassador” on his name tag, we can all take a lesson from his success in marketing his product.

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