Using Your CFA Designation to Power Your Private Wealth Practice

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Here’s my interview with Bob Dannhauser , head of Private Wealth Management at the CFA Institute, about the special tools that CFA® charterholders have available to them to develop their wealth management practices.

You will learn:

  • The character attributes that a CFA®charterholder may have that high net worth clients welcome
  • How the CFA Institute is now preparing private wealth professionals (as opposed to institutional investment managers) to excel
  • The clout of the CFA designation versus other designations that you can buy or that don’t carry as much  merit in the private wealth space
  • Why you shouldn’t write off the CFA candidate or member pool as non-viable prospects and how to find the people within these populations that could be your clients
  • The value of emotional intelligence and why it should be developed
  • What the CFA Institute has coming down the pike in Feb 2019 in terms of tools and resources designed to help private wealth advisors
  • Online CFA Institute resources and how to make the most out of them to develop new clients for your private wealth practice

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Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Marketing Tips for CFA® Charterholders


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Sara Grillo - Messy Paint - Marketing Strategy
Financial Advisor Marketing

From Chaotic Picasso to Marketing Masterpiece

His works were beautiful collages, so powerful that they brought to life an entire genre, a new idea that hadn’t existed in the world as a real concept until he made it so. While Picasso didn’t attend marketing conferences with titles such as “Brand Ambassador” on his name tag, we can all take a lesson from his success in marketing his product.

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