Category: LinkedIn postings

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Vid 59: Posting a video to social media

This video talks about the 2 different ways you can post a video to social media (LinkedIn or Facebook) and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Watch this video how to learn which method works best given what you are trying to accomplish. Method #1. The first way to post a video to social media […]

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Vid 50: Sourcing safe and legal images and music

It’s not okay to just snag images off of Google and hope for the best. In this video you will learn how to properly cite images and music so that you don’t violate anyone else’s intellectual property rights. This is really important as the fees can be very high if you were to do so. […]

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Vid 39: How to create a Response Video or Blog

The Response Posting, Video or Blog is a great way to get more visibility by capitalizing on an existing high traffic flow on social media. It is particular useful when you do not have a ton of momentum in your feed and are not getting a high amount of views. What is a Response Posting? […]

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Vid 31: How to Make This Awesome Thumbnail

If you were to hire a graphic designer to create all your images it may get a bit expensive. This is a way to create your own images for use on social media, your website, newsletters, etc. These cut out images look great and are a way to use your authentic photography instead of stock […]

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Vid 13: Tag, You’re “It”!

In business you’re only as good as the people who know you, and success is way easier to come by when you have a network of supporters behind you. Here’s a LinkedIn technique you can use to activate them while growing your visibility and influence on LinkedIn.

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