Category: LinkedIn postings

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Vid 104: How to make a “short” video

A “short” is a video, usually on social media platforms, under two minutes that is designed to “pop.” It’s kind of like a highlight reel. They are created to garner high emotional impact and lots of energy delivered in a condensed period of time. These videos are usually edited down from a longer video. So […]

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Vid 97: LinkedIn newsletter

Let’s start with the basics: what is a LinkedIn newsletter, and how do you create one? A LinkedIn newsletter is a long form article that is disseminated to a certain group of subscribers within your following. Those followers are then notified immediately that the newsletter is live. LinkedIn newsletters are the newest publishing tool. You […]

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Vid 96: The LinkedIn Relevance Score

The biggest question I get on this membership is “What do I post about if I want to engage people?” The biggest problem I see is people spending a ton of time on content that just doesn’t click with people. If you want to maximize engagement it is a matter of relevance. Use these tests […]

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Vid 91: The first line on LinkedIn means everything

The first line on LinkedIn, meaning the first line of your LinkedIn post or the first line of your LinkedIn message, is responsible for 99% of the success. If you aren’t doing well on LinkedIn, revisit your first lines because that is probably where the issue is. You need killer first lines in your posts […]

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Vid 90: How to create a LinkedIn engagement pod

This blog/video talks about how to create a LinkedIn engagement pod. You want to get discussions going on your postings as much as possible, because that is the type of behavior that LinkedIn rewards. How you do that? There is a series of steps you need to follow, and they must be done with precision […]

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Vid 87: Commenting on LinkedIn posts strategically

I see a lot of financial advisors focusing their time on LinkedIn on the wrong thing, and the reason I know this is because I see how they are commenting on LinkedIn posts. Please bear in mind that the LinkedIn algorithm is remarkably skilled at sending you more content on the topics that you comment […]

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Vid 85: More LinkedIn posting scripts

This blog provides some scripts you can follow when you post to LinkedIn. Remember, as expressed in Vid 82, you have to vary the type of content, and its format. Don’t post the same looking content each time. You can use these scripts as a template to guide you as you write your posts, but […]

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