Hail, Mighty Amazon!

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To quote the great Ric Edelman, who I was honored to have as my guest on this episode of my show,

“Either run your practice the right way using technology correctly or join another practice where they’re doing it on your behalf…We need to recognize that the way you’ve been building your practice for the past 20 years is not the way you’re going to be able to continue operating your practice for the next 20 years.”

The options are: join the movement, or join the movement.

And so here we are in the age of Amazon where the customer experience is king. Will the tech giants be the next big players? Or does brick and mortar still have an appeal?

Listen to hear more about what being competitive means in the digital age of financial advice. You’ll also hear all about Ric Edelman’s fantastic sock collection as  shown below:

Ric Edelman has quite an interesting sock collection, as evidenced below.


Resources mentioned in this show

How Amazon Will Dominate Wealth Management


Any questions? Send 'em in!


Sara Grillo - Messy Paint - Marketing Strategy
Financial Advisor Marketing

From Chaotic Picasso to Marketing Masterpiece

His works were beautiful collages, so powerful that they brought to life an entire genre, a new idea that hadn’t existed in the world as a real concept until he made it so. While Picasso didn’t attend marketing conferences with titles such as “Brand Ambassador” on his name tag, we can all take a lesson from his success in marketing his product.

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Marketing for financial advisors is soooo hard!
Financial Advisor Marketing

Marketing for financial advisors is hard!

With a little bit of creativity, which to be blunt is the last thing on any financial advisor’s mind given all the stress they’re under, you can refocus the lens through which the world sees you. Here are some market-beating social media strategies that are a core holding for all financial advisor and financial planner marketing portfolios.

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