How to Leverage Your Charisma with Kim Seltzer

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Business success depends heavily upon the person to person connections that you make. Often we try to make it more complicated than that, but it boils down to the connection human being to human being. Our guest Kim Seltzer, makeover and confidence expert, has helped thousands of people build lasting connections with her Charisma Quotient process and this style advice is readily applicable for any financial advisor who wants to grow his or her business!

Listeners will learn how to leverage your charisma starting from the outside to attract more business abundance and opportunity.

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About Kim Seltzer

With a vat of knowledge and experience as a therapist, certified style coach, dating coach, and matchmaker, Kim Seltzer has helped hundreds of people find lasting love and connection and build valuable relationships using her unique “confidence makeover” process. Using an outside-in approach, Kim has changed hundreds of lives by changing their style, emotional and social intelligence using her signature formula, “The Charisma Quotient,” working on body language, first impressions, image and messaging and how it impacts attraction. This Los Angeles-based expert travels the country helping people discover confidence, charisma and connection as a speaker at National Matchmaking Conferences, eHarmony, Neutrogena and iDate, as well as her own annual conference series for men and women, The Makeover Blueprint. Kim is also a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and, with appearances in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, AskMen, Fox News Magazine, Yahoo Shine and the Washington Examiner, among a myriad of other publications. You can also find Kim as a frequent co-host on the podcasts The Jordan Harbinger Show with Jordan Harbinger as well as past episodes on the traveling live dating show The Great Love Debate, and in her new cable reality dating show, The Romance. You can also listen to her now on her own podcast, The Charisma Quotient.

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