If Social Media Video Marketing Is So Great, Why Isn’t Everybody Doing It?

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Social media video marketing is the wave of the future and the best way to engage an audience online. I don’t know why everyone isn’t doing this already. Well, actually, I do know because here’s what some of my clients say.

Social media video marketing is expensive.

Yes, my friends, creating a professional, high quality video to represent your business will cost you a golden fortune. It carries with it a myriad of expenses, ranging from production costs, license fees, disc storage space, props, cast stipends, etc. The list goes on forever if you want to do this right.

For this reason I recommend creating only one or two videos that are rich in brand and can be circulated widely with success.  Those are your anchor videos that you embed in your website, use as trailers on your social media channels, send to prospects, etc.

These gold level videos are an investment that you make only once or twice. If you do it right, they create enough of a draw that you will boost your following, convert them to buyers, and earn the money back.

The bulk of the videos can be “quickie”, 2 minute clips which are semi-produced at your company or home. You’d have to invest in lighting, a good camera, a microphone, a YouTube account, and perhaps a professional backdrop.  These semi-produced social media marketing videos can help retain attention after you hook the audience in with the trailer videos.

What I’ve learned is that while quality matters, people care more about the content.  I successfully promote one of my business lines through YouTube exclusively.  While occasionally I do get complaints about my home videos, it hasn’t stopped me from getting many new clients because my content is spot on.  In fact, people see it as genuine when they hear my babies cry in the background. It makes me seem human and people love the authenticity absent of overly stiff and phony marketing pitches.

Social media video marketing is time consuming. 

Same as the money argument.  Make the big investment once and then follow it up with less time intensive, content rich “quickie” vids.  The more you do this, the easier it becomes. I don’t have a script and talk extemporaneously into the camera now. There is no way to make this go faster other than practice.

For most small businesses, setting aside the time to edit, tag, categorize, and lastly publish the video onto social media is too much of a stretch. Check out my marketing services tab to find out why companies work with me to get this done.

I don’t like having my picture taken. 

Neither did I – until I saw how lucrative social media marketing videos can be.  And then when my bank account got bigger I liked having my picture taken.

I don’t talk well into the camera.

Neither did I, until I practiced.  There is no way to make social media marketing video go better other than practice. Here’s a quick tip: try using humor. This is best served by a quick anecdote.

The first few months of working with a new client are kind of like the honeymoon period in a new relationship.  Everybody lives in fear of the moment of the first fight when the claws come out.

As I’ve gotten more experienced as an entrepreneur I’ve come to see tremendous value in having these conflicts because when there is a disagreement you see who you’re really dealing with.  In a sense you haven’t met the person you’re working with until something goes wrong.

I once I had a disagreement over a fee that a client did not want to pay although the contract explicitly stated the fee was due.  I reduced tension by using humor which broke the mental pattern of defensiveness and made them feel like I was dealing with them on the human level. You see, humor is human. When we laugh it makes us remember that we are human beings.

So here’s some critical advice to business owners or anyone really who is going for it, who is trying to get somewhere in business. In a tense situation, use humor. Show them your heart. Show them that you are a person first and a business person second, that you want the best for them and it’s not all gloom and doom, and that you can find the bright side and bring them a smile even in a dark situation.  It will empower both you and them to stay committed to working together, as I am with all my clients, and protect your success.

Social Media Video Marketing: The Bottom Line

Here’s the bottom line. If you want people to trust you, they have to know you; there’s no better way than seeing you on video.

You’ve got to spend your money on something. Out of all the uses of your marketing money, video is the best way to go. If you aren’t doing this, you should be – because your competition certainly is.

Authenticity is what matters most in any financial advisor who wants to get new clients. Learn the no BS way to use social media to get new clients by joining my membership here.

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