Category: LinkedIn messaging

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Vid 103: Calling on corporate executives on LinkedIn

If you are calling on corporate executives on LinkedIn: Pick 2-3 large companies within a 30 minute drive of your house. Learn the benefits at these companies. You may have to volunteer to do a couple of free 401k plan reviews. Create one posting a month about the most intriguing aspect of these benefit plans, […]

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Vid 102: Tips for building your following

Question from a member, “I have less than 500 followers on LinkedIn. Should I get 500 just so my profile page says “500+ followers?“ While it’s important to grow your network on LinkedIn, “growth for growth’s sake” doesn’t make any sense. I’d rather see you have 30 connections if they are on the same mission […]

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Vid 101: How to meet Doctors on LinkedIn

Doctors are super hard to meet over LinkedIn. I always try to persuade financial advisors to focus on other niches, but many of you are intent on working with doctors. So, here are my tips for how I would advise you to meet physicians over LinkedIn. Many of these tips apply to any niche you are targeting. Doctors […]

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Vid 99: New LinkedIn messages

These messages weren’t included in the 47 Financial Advisor LinkedIn Messages ebook. I’ve tried out these messages and found that they are very effective if you are looking to build your LinkedIn community, build your List of 20, or just try to get your following to engage more with you online. Keep in mind that […]

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Vid 84: Kick those deadbeat COI’s to the curb – and do this instead!

If your CPAs, attorneys, etc, aren’t on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to gain exposure to their networks. So kick those deadbeat financial advisors COI’s to the curb and let’s get going on a better strategy of finding COI’s who are cool, do care about you, and WILL reciprocate business! I’m going […]

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Vid 83: Meeting Business owners on LinkedIn

I’ve had quite a few folks join this membership recently who are interested in developing relationships with business owners. As a general rule, the more specific you can be about the type of business owner you wish to serve, the easier the task becomes. Keep in mind that business owners are pummeled by advisors trying […]

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Vid 63: Searching your LI connections made easy!

Many of you have qualified prospects and COIs in your LinkedIn connection base; however it is hard to be aware of them because you’d have to search and scroll which can get overwhelming. Here is an easy way. The List of 20 is dynamic, not static. If somebody is not responding, get them off the […]

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