Go get 20

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Hang in with me as I tell a personal story about how I am turning the City of New York upside down searching for the correct 20 people to advocate alongside me for my beautifully gifted son.

This has a highly meaningful application to your desire to expand your business, trust me. It is about having the right 20 people on your side, on your team, those who can bring meaning to what you are called to do, whose mission aligns with yours.

This podcast is also about human dignity, human civil rights, and respecting differences.

Any questions? Send 'em in!



7 Signs Your Financial Planning Website Is Outdated – Guest Post

We get asked the question a lot โ€“ โ€œDoes my website need to be updated?โ€ If you havenโ€™t touched your website in a year or more then itโ€™s likely likely your technology is lagging. But more importantly, you may be losing customers. Still unsure if your website is past itโ€™s prime? Our team has put together a list of the top seven signs your website may be in need of a redesign.