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Our National Anthem has a special meaning to me – especially in times like these. If America is going to be saved, it is going to be because of actions that we Americans take to save each other.

Being brave is what America is about. Working hard to make life better is what America is about. Are we not the home of innovation? Of entrepreneurship? Of liberty and justice for all? The America dream is alive today folks, it is just as alive for us today as it was before this crisis!

Financial advisors – you are educated, capable, and connected, and you are the ones who can lead America back to where we should be. Step up and assume leadership in your communities to save Americas families.

Any questions? Send 'em in!


Practice Management

Is it Okay for Financial Advisors to Swear in Front of Clients?

Swearing is a big no-no for advisors to do in front of clients, but if done correctly (and that’s a big “if”), swearing can set you apart from other brands that may not have the courage to be so raw. Just as the famous financial disclaimer goes: higher risk, higher potential reward.

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