About Me

Hi! I’m Sara Grillo, financial advisor marketing consultant and financial services keynote speaker. I specialize in lead generation strategies for financial advisors. A professional code of ethics governs all actions I take.

Prior to this, I was a financial advisor and worked at Lehman Brothers. I graduated from Harvard University and pursued my Masters at NYU Stern School of Business before going on to obtain my CFA designation. 

I am known due to my outspoken perspective on the BS that unfortunately prevails in the private wealth industry.

I help ethical financial advisors get wealthy clients in a transparent way. My financial advisor marketing strategies are geared towards helping financial advisors get leads with transparency, honesty, fairness, and logic rather than control and manipulation. 

Who I Really Am

I’m originally from a small town outside Boston, MA. My mother was a chemistry teacher and my dad was in the United States Air Force.

Over a span of five and a half years, Antonio and I had four kids. They are all under 11 years old. My son has ADHD and autism. It has been a cross to bear for our family but we are grateful for it teaching us the role that humility, love, grace, and forgiveness must play in human relationships. In this way it has brought us closer to Almighty God.

I am a devout Catholic, a lector in my parish, and a “subway missionary” on the weekends. Jesus Christ is the foundation of who I am.

After my second baby was born, I quit my job as a financial advisor.  It was one of those smile-and-dial sales jobs that deep down I didn’t believe in. I felt that I was being called to something else. 

There I was sitting on my couch with no income and two babies. Bills were coming due. So I asked God what He wanted me to do. All of a sudden my gaze was drawn across the room to my laptop sitting on the living room table.

I felt called to something. So, I started making selfie videos about the CFA exam and uploading them to YouTube. One of my videos got about 20k hits and people started contacting me. I think the first month I was ever in business I made $45. I was glad to pay for some groceries.

There are millions and millions of people out there who are waiting for you to change their trajectories. Who are you being called to reach? Do you know your mission or is it something you are still figuring out? Because when you put your heart at the center of your work it takes on a different meaning for everyone you touch.

-Sara G