3 step formula for getting a LinkedIn headline that rocks!

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Most LinkedIn titles stink, and make you look too stiff and boring for anyone to want to talk to you. Use this easy 3 step formula below to quickly come up with a LinkedIn headline to turn some heads, and be done with it!

What is a LinkedIn headline?

A LinkedIn headline is the text that lies directly underneath the headshot on your LinkedIn page. It conveys your professional value and compels the reader to continue scrolling to read about your experiences and what you have to offer.

You can see my title on my LinkedIn profile page below.

Like it?

I get a ton of comments on it. It took some guts, but honestly it’s working out great.

How long should your LinkedIn headline be?

You only get one line. Well, actually you get two but you don’t want to use up that much space. Punchy, pitchy, and right to the point always wins! If you go on rambling, it looks too clumped up.

Remember that NOBODY has time to be bored. The more you write, the more the risk they won’t read it – and even worse, you’ll annoy them. Write the least you can and still convey your point.

There are three things you have to do in your headline to make the reader want to continue on:

  • Evoke curiosity
  • Impart some sense of value
  • Energize the reader

Now, let’s get to the good part – how do you achieve this?

Use my LinkedIn headline generator below.

Three steps to getting a great LinkedIn headline

How do you get a great LinkedIn headline? There are three steps in my super duper LinkedIn headline generator (I’ll elaborate on each one in a second).

Step #1: Specify value excitingly, in 3-5 words

Step #2: Say who you do it for motivatingly, in 3-4 words

Step #3: Jazz it up with a symbol or emoji

Now let’s dive in.

Step #1: Specify your value excitingly

Notice I said, “specify.”

A great LinkedIn headline example is, “They call me the Leopard of LinkedIn marketing for financial advisors.”

Notice I don’t say, “Marketing”; I say, “LinkedIn marketing.” Be as specific as you can be. General titles are vague and boooooring.

People love to pretend they are good at everything but in reality they are mediocre at most things and really good at one thing, maybe two.

Just be honest.

And while you’re at it, put an exciting word in there.

Imagine if my LinkedIn title said, “I’m a consultant specializing in LinkedIn marketing for financial advisors.”


But how about: “They call me the leopard of LinkedIn marketing…”

See, that has some punch to it! The word “leopard” steals the show.

Step #2: Say who you do it for in 3-4 words

Intensify your value proposition here by specifying the mindset of the people you help.

In my title I say, “LinkedIn marketing for financial advisors.”

But I could have made it better by saying, “LinkedIn marketing for financial advisors who want to stand out as digital rockstar.” However I ran out of space (don’t overload your LinkedIn headline!)

Excite and motivate them as you call their name!

Step #3: De-boring-ize it

You can’t have a boring LinkedIn title. It sets the tone for the rest of the page and that’s just blah!

Remember you have to risk it to get the biscuit. Take some risk here. Not a heck of a lot; just sprinkle some in.

Here’s what to do.

  • Go to your LinkedIn messenger inbox.
  • Go to the part where it says, “write a message.” See below?
  • Don’t write a message, instead click on the smiley face on the lower right.
  • Up comes the emojis and symbols. Pick from either the animal, the lightbulb, or the percentage menu.   

Sara’s upshot

Hope you enjoyed my LinkedIn headline ideas; that’s all I’ve got for now.

If you want to work with me, contact me for a consultation. My prices are listed here.

Or, you could join my newsletter .

Or you could read these other blogs on LinkedIn strategy:

LinkedIn messaging

LinkedIn profile page

2022 LinkedIn strategy

Any questions? Send 'em in!


Sara Grillo - Messy Paint - Marketing Strategy
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