Financially Empowering those Blessed with the Gift of Autism

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I first encountered Aspie World, the YouTube channel of Daniel Jones, our guest this episode, when searching for information about how to handle an autism meltdown.

Daniel Morgan Jones has Aspergers, ADHD, OCD and Dyslexia. He has shined a brilliant light on the subject of neurodiversity in an engaging, positive, and sometimes humorous way that few others have been able to do.

His motto? “Autism is F**king cool.”

Thanks, buddy. I am sure the 116k people following him on YouTube and the 6 million + people who have watched his videos feel the same.

In this episode we celebrate the beautiful gift of autism and talk about what financial advisors should do if their clients or the families of the clients they work with are on the autism spectrum. With autism diagnosis on the rise, it is such an essential thing to be able to understand what financial advisors should know about working with clients who may be on the autism spectrum.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not unlikely, rare, or impossible for an autistic person to be successful enough to be a high net worth individual. Look at the contributions that autistic people have made to our society such as Andy Warhol, Nikola Tesla, Hans Christian Andersen, and Sir Isaac Newton.

People with the beautiful gift of Autism process information differently. But there is no set or defined way that this happens. Autism is a spectrum, and people are affected in ways that range widely from one to the next. Autism may impact the way a person communicates, their motor skills, their ability to interact socially, and very importantly, their response to certain environments.

I really appreciated the perspective of Dan regarding several topics related to financial advice and autism. Here are a few of them below.

? Tips for how financial advisors should communicate with a client who is autistic

? Guidelines for emailing autistic clients and conveying large amount of financial information to an autistic client of a financial advisor

? What to know about how to arrange an appropriate setting for an in person meeting a financial advisor may have with an autistic client

Thank you, Dan, for shining your light onto us. Thank you for all you have done to advocate for individuals and families of those with autism. You are changing the world!

To follow Dan Jones on YouTube, click here.

To hire Dan as a speaker, read his books, or just find out more about The Aspie World, please visit his website here.

Sources cited in this article

Applied Behavior Analysis. History’s 30 Most Inspiring People on the Autism Spectrum. Retrieved from

Any questions? Send 'em in!


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