Navy SEAL tips for handling an Enemy Ambush

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What we’re going to hear about today on the podcast may not seem as relevant to a financial advisor as things like how to make a sales pitch or how to write a great economic outlook. But let’s face it. We are at work in a business environment for most of the day. A lot of us travel on business in places that are unfamiliar. You never know when you’ll be in a situation where you are called upon to protect yourself, someone who works for you, or a client.

I am so honored to have one of the world’s top experts here to tell us about conference safety tips for financial advisors. His name is Clint Emerson and he is a retired Navy Seal who was special operations and part of the elite Navy Seal Team Six. He goes by the moniker The Violent Nomad. Clint is the founder of Escape The Wolf, a crisis management company, and author of two books, The Right Kind Of Crazy and 100 Deadly Skills. Check out his YouTube channel if you want to learn how to perform high speed escape maneuvers in an automobile, escape handcuffs or duct tape, and/or how to steal a plane.

I was extremely honored to have Clint with us to talk about:       

·       What was the biggest thing you took away from your experience as a Navy Seal?

·       What do people need to know about safety when traveling on business?

·       How do you secure a hotel room?

·       What about tips for driving to a business event?

·       What about active shooter situations?

On a final note, I want to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for all of the men and women of the armed forces who have dedicated their lives and put it all on the line to defend our country’s freedom and liberty. You are all heroes and we as a nation are forever grateful for your service.

To hire Clint to speak at your company or to purchase any of his defensive gear and supplies, please visit his websites below:

Clint Emerson

Clint Emerson Instagram

Violent Nomad

Escape the Wolf

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