Day: October 1, 2019

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Vid 36: YouTube Secrets of the Rich and Famous

In this video you will learn the production basics to use when making a YouTube video, some ideas for the first videos you should make, and also a sample script you can use to make your videos. Please use this video when you are making your YouTube videos in order to optimize their performance, viewer […]

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Vid 37: Facebook Basics

There are several aspects of LinkedIn that apply to Facebook prospecting for financial advisors.Use the tagging function. On Facebook the words in the person’s ID are separated by periods instead of hyphens as is the protocol on LinkedIn. Facebook groups are very social. Talk and behave as a normal person not as a financial advisor. […]

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Vid 35: Running Your First Sponsored Ad Campaign

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are running a LinkedIn advertising campaign. You should keep in mind the following things about the budget, targeting, testing, and copy length. 1. Budget. Try an ad first with $25. Then change one variable and run another one for $25 and see if it does […]

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