The Formula for a Burning Hot First Date

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I’m locked down with kids now, but how fondly do I remember the dating game of my twenties.

I’d meet a dude at a bar or something, he thought I was fly and I thought he was fly. Probably we’d both been drinking a little bit. We’d agree to go out on a date and I’d get all dolled up. Then the next weekend I found myself sitting there across from the guy saying to myself, “Holy smokie bookie. Get me outta here.”

Not a match!

I wasted a decade going on first dates that I thought were going to be hot. Just like you financial advisors can waste a lifetime meeting with prospects who (by traditional measures) seem to be very qualified for your services but just do not fit in terms of personality. You will waste even more time and money if the wrong prospect then decides to become your client.

It’s called chemistry and when it’s wrong you’re not getting anywhere. Period.

Financial advisors do the same thing with new client relationships. I know, because I talk to advisors all the time who tell me they have done this. And I did the same thing myself, going out on a first date and marrying the wrong client. You’ll never get anything from these people other than frustrating non responses, disputes, and terminated relationships.

That’s why I am welcoming Akshay Singh of Advisory Match who in this episode is going to tell financial advisors how you can find out if a client is going to really be a personality match or not before you go on the first date.


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